Saturday, 26 May 2012

managerial practices at TARA  PAN CENTER                                       

Year of Establishment : 1971
Owner : Shaikh Abdul Rahim (Sandubhai)
Company type: private ltd.
Stock price: not listed
Number of employees : 21
Address: Tara Pan Center, Osmanpura, Aurangabad
Contact no.: (0240)234187, 6968539
Working hours: 08 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Turnover : 17300 Rs/day
Headquarter : Aurangabad 
History :
TARA PAN CENTER was established in year 1971 in Aurangabad, a historical city of Maharashtra.
At the time of establishment, they were three partners: Shaikh Abdul Rahim, sheikh Nazir and Baig sahib.   
Before 1971 Shaikh Rahim owned puncture repair shop at the same place . The name of the shop was TARA PUNCTURE REPAIR  SHOP. The name of the shop  was after the owner of the place named “TARA”.
In the beginning, size of the  pan center was three by three (3*3)  feet . As the business grew, they expanded their shop to twenty by twenty (20*20)  feet. At that time, they had three people working for them, now the size of workforce  is around twenty one (21) people. Initially the average turnover per day was 450 to 550 Rs.

About Tara pan center:
Tara Pan center is leading seller of various Pan and Tobacco products. Tara pan center shot to fame when their “PAN” became popular among the people. They are providing various types of PAN ranging from Rs. 5 to Rs. 3000. Tara Pan center has become popular because it provides quality service to its customers. Services like home delivery, car delivery  are available with them. They  take orders for party and functions also.
            The main product of Tara pan center is “MASALA PAN”. The most famous pan is Culcutta special masala pan. The ingredients of this masala pan are culcutta betal leaf, saunf, gulkand, khobra, cherry, chatany , chuna, katha, etc. This masala pan can last for minimum three days. The second most popular product of TARA pan center is “MASALA  LADDU” , the main ingredient of this masala laddu are dry fruits. Also  it contains masala,saunf,anjir,khobra,kharik,gulkand,etc., this product can last for minimum 30 days without any preservatives.     

Products :
·        Couple Masala Pan:
1.     Kohinoor masala pan : Rs. 3000
2.     Honeymoon masala pan : Rs. 1500
3.     Raja rani masala pan : Rs. 300
·        Culcutta sweet Masala Pan:
1.    Culcutta Badshahi masala pan: Rs. 100
2.    Culcutta  shahi masala pan: Rs. 50
3.    Culcutta old tara special masala pan: Rs. 25
4.    Culcutta Belgam Chatany masala pan: Rs. 15
·        Banarasi Sweet Masala Pan:
1.    Banarsi  Badshahi  masala pan: Rs. 50
2.    Banarsi  shahi  masala pan: Rs. 25
3.    Banarsi  old tara special masala pan: Rs. 10
4.    Banarsi  masala pan: Rs. 7
·        Maghai Sweet Masala Pan:
1.   Mahgai Badshahi  masala pan: Rs. 50
2.   Mahgai  shahi  masala pan: Rs. 25
3.   Mahgai  old tara special masala pan: Rs. 15
4.   Mahgai  Belgam Chatani masala pan: Rs. 10

·        Laddu Masala:
1.    Laddu shahi masala: Rs. 25
2.    Laddu Spl. Masala: Rs 15
3.    Laddu masala: Rs. 10

·        Zarda pan:
1.   600 zarda + 600 qimam pan: Rs. 100
2.   600 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs. 70
3.   400 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs. 60
4.   320 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs. 40
5.   240 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs.30
6.   160 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs. 15
7.   120 zarda + Navaratna qimam pan: Rs. 10

Managerial function at Tara Pan Center:

Planning :
The owner of tara pan center plans to sell 6000 pans per week.
He  plans to sell 25  boxes  of cigarettes of all brands.
He  plans to sell 500 laddus per week.
The owner is planning to open new branches in cidco and on Jalna road,  Aurangabad.
The owner also plans for export 2000 pans and 300 laddus per week to cities like Pune, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Nanded and even Hyderabad.
Organizing :
The owner procures 7000 pans per week : Banarsi pan from Pune and Nashik, Maghai pan from Madhya Pradesh, Culcutta pan from Culcutta, Desi Kapuri from Aurangabad market.
They set aside sixty  percent of their weekly turnover for the purchase of raw material as well as cigarette boxes, guthka pouch and other material. And the remaining forty percent  is used for payment of the workers, electricity bill, rent of the place and it includes profit of the owner as well.
The working hours of Tara pan center are from 8 am to 11 pm, and their peak hours are from 10 am to 12.30 pm in morning and 8 pm to 11 pm at night. During this peak hours  they provide home delivery and car delivery services .For this job they have assign 5 people each for home and car delivery services.
They have two shifts of working from 8 am to 3 pm and 3 pm to 11 pm. At any time five people are working in the shop. They have two counters  working one is for the sale of Pan, laddus  and second one is for sale of cigarettes, gutkha pouch and other tobacco products.
Wages are given on daily basis to the workers.         

Leading :
The one and only one leader of Tara Pan Center  is “sandubhai”. He leads his team of twenty (20) members, he motivates them to work harder. Whenever his employees feel low due to the misbehavior of the customer or family problem, he encourage them to solve the problem on their own. He has trained his employees to interact politely with the customers. He has assigns second leader to take over the shop in his absence.
Controlling :
The controller of Tara Pan Center is “sandubhai”, he regularly keeps checking the sell of the goods. If he finds that a particular product surpasses the supply then he purchases that products in large quantity so as to meet demand and vice versa. He regularly keeps checking the working standard of employee, if any employee is found below standard then he cautions him to uplift his performance.

He must adopt commercial approach for the marketing of his products as his products are not widely known.
He must keep a tab on the wastage of products, as two to three percent products are damaged or wasted at the time of delivery.
He must train his employees for good communication in English as many foreign tourists visit his renowned shop every day.
Some of his products are very costly which are not affordable to the common man so, he must reduce the price to make it more affordable and reachable.
He must update his infrastructure to make his shop more attractive and compatible with the present world needs. 

Conclusion :
After doing this project, we learned how the four basic pillars of management i.e. planning, organizing, controlling and leading work in small business effectively. We came to also know that no business small or big is not without shortcomings and there is always scope for the improvement. So we conclude that the without these four principles no business can be run successfully.
We express our sincere thanks to mr. Shaikh Abdul Rahim that he gave us an opportunity to know the working of his business. We will remain indebted to him forever.

Description of managerial functions :
Planning: Planning relates to decisions on about the present and the future. It relates to how resources should be efficiently allocated.
Selecting future courses of action and deciding how to achieve the desired

Leading: Leading deal with proper communication of goals and plans and motivating the employees to achieve them.
Providing direction and leadership to organization's employees, to motivate the employees to perform the essential tasks within the specific period with the most efficient use of resources

Organizing: In this function, managers have to decide the optimum usage of resources.
Acquiring the resources required by the organization in achieving its objectives; arranging and allocating work, authority and resources amongst the various groups within the organization so that the organization's goals/objectives can be realized.

Controlling: Keeping a check on the progress of plans and performance.

This involved three elements:

a) Setting work standards or standard operations procedures (SOP) and communicating them to the employees.

b) Measuring employees performance through established work standards

c) If there is variation between actual performance and the work standards, the causes must be identified and corrective actions taken.

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